Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Standing for Truth and Righteousness

So I know that I have strong opinions and strong emotions at times, but I need to share my thoughts for a minute. I know that we all are aware of the Proposition 8 that is on the ballot in California. We know that it is an important issue, but I don't know if we really grasp the severity of it. I recently returned from a visit to see my family in CA and I have found out a lot. Everyone in the stake my parents are in is asked to participate in walking the precincts. There will be a state-wide fireside in two weeks where they'll address the issues of the importance of protecting marriage and family.
There are many consequences that we'll definitely not like if the Proposition fails. If you want to read more, you can read some I've included here. It is a very serious issue for the future of our religious freedom/liberties as well as marriage and family. I have been shy at times, and have not known how to stand up for things or to what extent, but I have definitely realized that this time we cannot waste time. We need to stand up and protect our rights, religion and families. If the First Presidency of the Church will send a letter to the wards in CA as well as all the other states, telling us to do all we can in support of this Proposition, that should tell us to figure out how we can help.

Six Consequences if Prop 8 Fails

So my mom was telling me about the different things she's found to share with people as she walks the precincts in CA promoting affirmative votes for Proposition 8. The following list was given by the Yes Coalition to those walking the precints.
1. Children in public schools will have to be taught that same-sex marriage is just as good as traditional marriage. The California Education Code already requires that health education classes instruct children about marriage. Therefore, unless Proposition 8 passes, children will be taught that marriage is between any two adults regardless of gender. There will be serious clashes between the secular school system and the right of parents to teach their children their own values and beliefs.
2. Churches may be sued over their tax exempt status if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious buildings open to the public. Ask yourself whether your pastor, priest, miniter, bishop or rabbi is ready to perform such marriages in your chapels and sanctuaries.
3. Religious adoption agencies will be challenged by government agencies to give up their long-held right to place children only in homes with both a mother and a father. Catholic Charities in Boston already closed its doors in Massachusetts because courts legalized same-sex marriage there.
4. Religions that sponsor private schools with married student housing may be required to provide housing for same-sex couples, even if counter to church doctrine, or risk lawsuits over tax exemptions and related benefits.
5. Ministers who preach against same-sex marriages may be sued for hate speech and risk government fines. It already happened in Canada, a country that legalized gay marriage. A recent California court held that municipal employees may not say: "traditional marriage", or "family values" because after the same-sex marriage case, it is "hate speech."
6. It will cost you money. This change in the definition of marriage will bring a cascade of lawsuits, including some already lost (e.g. photographers cannot now refuse to photograph gay marriages, doctors cannot now refuse to perform artificial insemination of gays even given other willing doctors). Even if courts eventually find in favor of a defender of traditional marriage (highly improbable given today's activist judges), think of the money-your money-that will be spent on such legal battles.

And think of all the unintended consequences that we cannot even foresee at this time. Where will it end?

You See What You Look For

My current calling is in the Young Women's program. I have 1 Laurel, 2 Beehives, and 13 Mia Maids. Yes, 13 Mia Maids. The bulk of the girls are 14 and 15 years old and they go to four different high schools. And there are three of us referees... I mean leaders.

We have had so much drama in the last couple of months and I would dare say I have had enough to last my entire life time. I do not deal well with drama.

The problem is they are being so mean to each other. This all started about mid-August as they all went back to school. My sweet girls being mean to each other. At times I just sit in our meeting, looking at them, pondering the situation, and wondering how on earth they can be so mean, gossipy, and fickle. Now I know people can be mean and others may just need to get a back bone, but these are 14 year old girls. I truly think the hardest two years of any young woman's life are age 14 and 15. Seriously. Its a make or break time of life. Shopping is in, you have to listen to the right music, wear the right clothes, and popularity is all the rage. If you ask me, I would say, "Who cares?!" Well, its a big deal when girls aren't coming because of the way they are treated when they do come.

So what do you do?

I've asked many different people what they would do in my situation and have spent countless hours praying over this. This is what I have learned.

I have great young women and I love them all very much. When I look at each of them, I can see in them so much potential. These are outstanding young women. I see the talents they have, the traits they can share with others, I see their testimonies, and I also see many insecurities.

So why is this not working?

In all my conversations, one in particular struck me the hardest. These girls are nit-picking each other, degrading each other, and finding reasons not to like each other. That is what they have learned to do! My challenge then as their leader is to teach them and guide them to look for the good in the other young women. Never before has the phrase "What you look for, you will see" meant so much to me. These girls are looking for negatives in other people, and they are seeing it.

Now I know how to remedy the situation.

Its all about coming up ideas and activities that help them see good things in each other. We are going to do a compliment box on Sundays where they pull a piece of paper out of a box. On the piece of paper is another girl's name. They write a sincere compliment on it and put it back in the box. Then, I pull the paper out, have the girl stand up, and read the compliment. It has been very well received. A little plug: any other ideas you can add?

The moral of the story is this. You see what you look for in people. Everyone we meet has good things to offer and everyone we meet has shortcomings. And thank goodness for that because I would not want a million different "Me's" running around. I have learned so much about myself and the kind of woman I want to be from this experience. If you want to see good in people and look for the good in people, that is what you will see. I love the gospel!

So go out and give some compliments today!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Proposition 8: Defining Marriage

The November elections are shaping up to be a really big deal! There is much controversy through both the Democratic and Republican National Parties. Voters must decide if the biggest issues are sex, race, qualifications, religious links, character, the economy, drilling for oil, the war in Iraq, and many more. In three states, Arizona, California, and Florida, a constitutional amendment is being proposed that will define marriage between a husband and wife. Since this is my blog and I have strong opinions about all of the aforementioned items, I would like to share a few thoughts.

First and foremost, I believe that traditional marriage is critical to the survival of our Country. It provides an arena where children can be raised with love, patience, and respect without fear of abuse in any form. I also believe that both the father and the mother are essential in teaching their children the role of the man and woman in society and how each should be treated. Fathers have a huge impact on the social development of their daughters and likewise mothers impact their sons.

Morality in our country has decreased immensely, children are being born out of wedlock, parents are single, abortion is rampant... all due to the lack of strong marriages. Our country has one of the highest rates of divorce in the entire WORLD. I believe allowing same sex marriages will eventually lead to the further decline of our society (as has already been proven in other European countries).

I fully support the proposition to define marriage as between a man and a woman. Please if you agree with this proposition, take a stand on it and get the word out. It is a BIG DEAL.

The church to which I belong, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which generally remains neutral in political issues, has also taken a definite stand on this issues. They have published a great article titled, "The Divine Institution of Marriage" that is a great read. It also makes for a good Family Home Evening lesson if you need one.

Please vote this November 4th, 2008!