Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Gospel in Everything

I have just finished a Early Childhood Music and Movement training program, and was over whelmed with the corrilation between Early Childhood Development and the Gospel.

One of my mother's favorite things to say is "Line upon line, precept upon precept." The scriptures are scattered with this concept. We are to teach, and learn, and give line upon line. We are to offer milk before meat, we are not to run faster than we are able. We are blessed by the Lord line upon line.

While discussing neuroscience research, and early childhood developmental studies I was reminded of the gospel's line upon line concept. I was impressed with the fact that gospel was present in all the scientific studies were were discussing. We wouldn't hand a 2 year old some sheet music and expect them to sit down and play the song, but we can sing to that child while rocking or tapping and that child will learn what he needs to learn from the teaching moment, and if we keep building on that foundation he will be able to sit down and play sheet music when it is time for that.

I was impressed with the fact that the way I was being trained to educated young children was the way Heavenly Father teaches us. He doesn't give us more than we can learn, he doesn't expect more from us than we are able to give. He guides us through every learning situation, and he leads us to a life of learning and happiness. That is not to say he doesn't challenge us, or push us to learn more we think we need to learn, because he does. He teaches with a plan in mind, a place where he wants us to end up, nothing is frivolous.

I know that God's way is the right way, and was excited to see that people discovered his way without ever saying specifically that it was His way.

1 comment:

Bethany C. said...

I too have been noticing so much symbolism everywhere I look. I liked what you said, "nothing is frivolous". Truly the Lord's purposes and designs reach far, far beyond what we can see on our own. Even when I think I've come to understand the reason behind a particular trial, Heavenly Father continues to show me more and more meaning to my daily experiences. It is a great blessing to "have eyes to see and ears to hear" these lessons. They come through so many mediums -- a conversation with a friend, a textbook, a song, a movie -- but they each spring from the same source, the source of all Truth.